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Try these . . .

Over the years, I've collected many ways of helping people feel better.


Notice how you are now - are you hot/cold? are you comfortable/uncomfortable in the clothes you're wearing now? which parts of your body are coming into contact with the floor/chair/sofa/bed? what's your mood like? are you tired/energised?


Now try one of these techniques, and then spend a few minutes noticing how you are afterwards.

Abdominal breathing (also known as Diaphragmatic breathing) reduces stress levels and starts working towards calming a busy mind. It’s a helpful practice for getting used to slowing down. It can be a daily practice, a sleep aid or a coping mechanism in times of immediate stress. How to and audio guide

Grounding is a way of actively and physically settling yourself. It is particularly useful if your mind has a tendency to run away with itself, or your thinking goes round in vicious circles. How to​

Everyone needs to be soothed or calmed in times of stress. Try one or all of these . . .

Getting to sleep

Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep?


  • Try the Abdominal Breathing exercise.

  • Try the Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise.

  • If you're a sun worshipper, imagine yourself laid on the sand soaking in the heat of the sun. Now imagine you are made of jelly and very, very slowly your edges are gradually melting into the bed. 

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